EU Projects
Connecting Europe Conference
During the Conference, an exhibition will showcase the successes of CEF, TEN-T and related EU funding programmes that contribute to European transport infrastructure development. Among the main Actions RAM will present the following Projects: Adri Up, Fresh Food Corridors, GAINN4CORE e NAPA4CORE.
NAPA4CORE Action CEF Programme - 4th SC Meeting
On 8th of August 2017 the 4th NAPA4CORE Steering Committee meeting took place in Trieste, hosted by the partner Port of Trieste.
The event was a good opportunity for monitoring the state of the art of the activities foreseen by the project and for the coordination of the next steps concerning the Action.
The “Adriatic-Ionian Logistic Corridor“ Conference
On Wednesday, 10th May 2017, in the framework of Transport Logistic 2017 in Munich, RAM hosted the “Adriatic-Ionian Logistic Corridor” Conference aimed at presenting to an international audience of private and public stakeholders, the CEF-cofinanced ADRI-UP Project and its contribution towards the improvement of Motorways of the Sea services along the Adriatic-Ionian corridor in the eastern Mediterranean basin.
LNG Conference 2017
Gain4Core Project among the initiative that will be presented at the Conference enterly dedicated at the LNG.
Fruit Logistica 2017
Partner of the Fresh Food Corridors Project, RAM will be at Fruit Logistica Exhibition from 8 to 10 of February.
The first edition of BiLog will be an occasion to create a special occasion to discuss on logistics and transport topics with a European spin.
Project CAPTAIN Final Conference
The final conference on the CAPTAIN project for passengers mobility in the Adriatic Ionian Region, was held in Trieste on November 16th..
2016 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals Sneak Preview
In view of the CEF Call for Proposal 2016 that will be opened next autumn, the event will provide a preview of its content and opportunities.