MedCom Forum


MedCom is a Mediterranean Economic Forum whose objective is to deal with different economic topics. The core of the reflection will be not only the value of a single area, but also the potential of the area as a whole. It seems useful to compare the dynamics concerning the development of the area, by analyzing the different economic sectors on a case-by-case basis. The Forum will represents the opportunity to reflect on which are the actions to be shared with instututional players, enterpreneurs and academics who operate within the Mediterranean area.

Within this framework, the question is what could be the role of Italy in a future economical scenario of the Mediterranean. 

Prof. Ennio Cascetta on Friday afternoon will give a a keynote speech on "Infrastructural and logistic scenarios in Italy and in the Mediterranean. The perspective for Southern Italy", during the session "The great intermodal corridors: from the Mediterranean to Europe".

click here for further information. 

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