ITS Adriatic Multiport Gateway
ITS Adriatic Multiport Gateway, led by Venice Port Authority, in partnership with RAM, the port authorities of Trieste, Ravenna and Koper, and Rijeka port authority as project observer, which wasn't an official member of the NAPA at the time the project was approved. The ITS Adriatic Multiport Gateway started on April 1st 2010 and was completed on Fdecember 31st 2013.
The member ports of NAPA (North Adriatic Ports Association) – Venice, Trieste, Ravenna (no longer a member of NAPA), Koper and Rijeka – took part as a whole to the bid launched by the European Union for co-funding projects for the development of TEN-T (Trans European Network) networks for the Motorways of the Sea. The NAPA aims at cooperating to:
- develop sea, rail and road interconnections
- favor the incoming flow of cruise passengers
- enhance the environmental safety and IT systems
- create an integrated, efficient network of North Adriatic ports
Therefore, the project aimed to create a platform enabling effective, harmonious communication between the different ITS systems of each port, to enhance real time data exchange supporting the Single Window system. The first step was a study on the forecast demand and supply for container shipping in Europe and Adriatic Sea, carried out by MDS Transmodal, followed by the development and implementation of a platform EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), enabling data and information exchange between NAPA ports, in order to reduce the costs and delays, enhance the ports' efficiency standards and promote the Single Window concept.