RAM – Logistica Infrastrutture e Trasporti Spa is the in-house company of the Italian Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility - MIMS - whose social capital is totally held by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance.
RAM was founded in 2004 under the name of Rete Autostrade Mediterranee - the network of the Mediterranean Motorways. Originally, its objective was to implement the so-called National plan of the Motorways of the Sea, within the wider network of the TEN-T Corridors, with specific reference to the transversal Corridor of the Motorways of the Sea.
Since then, RAM has been adapting its role and functions to a new era of planning and programming of the sector. To this end, it promotes and technically supports the development, the implementation and the management of the intervention strategies with regards to transports, logistic and infrastructures, following the directives of the Ministry and of the European Union.
As a matter of fact, RAM supports the MIMS mainly on the following activities:
- promoting initiatives of data collection and analysis, statistics and evaluation of projects and investment plans regarding ports and logistics;
- technical assistance to the Conference of the Ports’ Authority and secretarial activities to the Partnership for Logistics and Transports;
- operational management of the incentives for intermodality, provided by the Ministry to the road transport sector – as the incentives Marebonus, Ferrobonus, Investments and Training;
- managing of the European programs regarding the funding for the TEN-T networks (2014-2020/2024);
- promotion and management of project as implementing body of the MIMS;
- support to communication strategies and activities regarding institutional projects.