Presentazione del Master Plan "Adriatic Motorways of the Sea"

La Conferenza presenterà i principali risultati ed opportunità emerse dallo studio condotto da RAM, Università tecnica di Atene, Università di Rijeka, Ministero dei Trasporti Croato, Sloveno e Montenegrino e dall’Istituto per i Trasporti Albanese. All’incontro parteciperanno diversi rappresentanti nazionali ed internazionali coinvolti. 

In tale occasione verranno, inoltre, presentanti i primi risultati del Progetto MEDNET.




Adriatic MoS - Presentation of the Adriatic Motorways of the Sea Master Plan

Rome, 15 july 2014

Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport

Viale dell’arte 16

00144 Rome

9:00 registration and welcome coffee

9:30 welcome address

Prof. Tommaso Affinita – CEO - RAM s.p.a.

Representative of JTS IPA PROGRAMME

Mr. Cosimo Caliendo – General Manager for Ports - Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport

Mrs Ivana Sacco -  Italian Ministry of Economic Development*

Mr. Lelio Matteuzzi – EPCSA – “ The advantages of having a PCS” - Civitavecchia Port Authority


10:00 Round Table – The role of the MoS in the Adriatic Sea

Sustainable development, Maritime Transport and blue growth


Prof. Dimitrios Tsamboulas  (NTUA) – The Adriatic MoS Master Plan – Methodological approach and new MoS Lines

Prof. Alen Jugovic (UMSR) – MoS development Cost Benefit Analisys

Representative of MoT – Slovenia – Sustainable development and MoS*

Ms. Ana Kusovac  (MoT – Montenegro) - The Montenegrian Perspective

Mr. Florjan Xhelilaj Albania Institute of Transport - The Albanian Perspective

Mr. Drazen Zgaljic (KIP) – Croatia – The Croatian Perspective

Mr. Enrico Puija – General Manager MoT – Italy – The Italian Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region


Moderator: Prof. Francesco Benevolo – General Manager – RAM spa


11:30 – Coffee Break


12:00 Round Table – Synergy and cooperation in the Adriatic Sea trough the EU projects


Mr. Antonio Revedin - ADRIAMOS – Port Authority of Venice

Mr. Alvise BragadinEMODnet – COGEA

Prof. Dimitrios Tsamboulas – NTUA - MEDNET – Mediterranean Port Observatory

Prof. Vittorio Marzano  UNINA - MED PCS – Mediterranean Port Community system

Representative of INTERMODADRIA*

Mr Sean Deehan – ValenciaPort Foundation - B2MOS and MEDNET Pilot Actions


Moderator: Dott. Andrea Chiappetta – EU projects – RAM spa


13:00 discussion

13:30 Networking Lunch

Initiative co-financed by

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Promoting Partner:

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*to be confirmed







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