“WIN-IT: Works for Implementing the Navigation in Northern Italy ” was awarded under the Reflow Call 2 of the programme CEF-Transport 2014-2020 and it represents the prosecution of the previous TEN-T Action “365 PO River System”. The Project is coordinated by AIPO (Agenzia Interregionale per il fiume Po), with the participation of Infrastrutture Venete S.r.l. and RAM S.p.A. as implementing body of the Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport.

Starting from the results of the project “365 PO River System”, WIN-IT pursues the objective of ensuring the navigability if the Italian IWW over at least 300 days out of 365 per year. To this aim, WIN-IT will perform the final and executive design of works needed to ensure the river flows in free stream condition with average draught of -2.0 m on a year basis in three sections of the Italian Inland Waterway: the western section (Cremona-Mantova Mincio river mouth), the central section (Mantova Mincio river mouth – Po delta) and the eastern section (Venezia – Tagliamento River).

Within the project, RAM is in charge of developing a dissemination and stakeholder engagement strategy at national and EU level, in order to effectively communicate the project results.

WIN-IT has an overall budget of EUR 2.7 million, co-financed at 50% by the Connecting Europe Facility – Transport and will run until December 2024.

Co-financed by the Connecting Europe facility of the European Union

Ultimo aggiornamento al 29/11/2022